Golden, CO

Coming 2024

Your story doesn’t have to be one of after-hours calls, unexpected problems, and band-aid solutions.

Instead, picture a reality where you’re proactively paving the way for efficiency, innovation, and steady growth. This isn’t a pipe dream—it’s the power of shared knowledge in American heavy industry.

It’s no secret that you, our plant engineering and maintenance personnel, are the lifeblood of this industry. You’re in the trenches, fixing the unfixable, and battling the clock. We know downtime isn’t an option, and quick fixes are sometimes necessary. But what if there’s a better way?

Welcome to the American Industrial Forum: Collaborative Edge Seminar. This is your guide to cutting through the clutter and complexity. A space where industry leaders and peers become your greatest allies, sharing their wisdom, success stories, and practical strategies. Learn how diverse industries have solved the very problems you face daily, and gather insights you can directly apply in your plant.

Transformation isn’t a spectator sport.

It’s time to step into the arena. Commit to two days that will empower you to elevate your plant’s processes, decrease downtime, and boost efficiency.

Breathe easier knowing you’re not alone in your quest for plant optimization.

Say goodbye to sleepless nights and weekends spent in damage control. Hello, clarity of purpose, peace of mind, and a proactive culture within your plant.

The future of your plant is in your hands.

It’s not going to change overnight, but with the knowledge and tools you’ll acquire at the American Industrial Forum, you’ll be well on your way to driving change and growth.

Lock arms with your peers and learn from each other

Together, let’s revolutionize the future of American heavy industry.

Reserve your seat now

The opportunity to unlock the power of shared process knowledge awaits.

All you have to do is say ‘yes’ to the transformation.

Are you ready to rewrite your plant's story?

An Adventure Into Untapped Industry Knowledge Awaits.

When you commit to the American Industrial Forum, you’re signing up for two power-packed days that will revamp your perspective and arm you with practical, result-driven solutions. Here’s a glimpse of your journey with us:

Day 1: Foundations of Change
  • The Art of Bulk Material/Solids Handling: Leverage the potential of efficient and safe material handling across industries.

  • Gas & Water Cooling: A Dual Perspective: Diving deep into cooling strategies, and how to reduce operational costs while improving process reliability.
  • Maximizing Efficiency: Heat Recovery Techniques: Be ready to discover the wisdom of recovering and reusing heat, when it helps, when it hurts, and whether it’s right for you.
  • Combustion/High Heat Processing: All our unique industrial processes involve high heat or combustion at some point. What have others done with their processes, that you can learn from to significantly improve your plant’s operations and product quality?
  • Particulate Removal and Gas Cleaning: A session focused on helping you understand the critical process of particulate removal and gas cleaning, the common headaches it brings you, and how to breathe easier with them gone.
  • Gas Release: The Final Step in Industrial Processes: A detailed exploration of the gas release process, how regulations affect it now (and where they’re headed), and how to prepare yourself.
  • A Look into the Future: Industry Projections: Stay ahead of the curve by understanding the future trends and technologies shaping the industry.
Day 2: The Path Forward
  • Harnessing Carbon: Capture, Sequestration, and Reuse: Uncover the potential of transforming carbon from a liability into an asset. Navigating politics & practicality.
  • Panel Discussion: The Power of Shared Process Knowledge: A vibrant and thought-provoking conversation with diverse industry leaders. Case studies on engineering and maintenance struggles and solutions from your peers in American heavy industry.
  • Wrap-up and Closing Remarks: Consolidate your learning journey, and prepare to apply your new knowledge to real-world scenarios.
  • Revisiting Key Topics: Recap and reinforce your learning with our experts and your peers from Day 1. Breakout and brainstorm practical applications to take home to your plant.

And that’s not all! Wrap up your enriching journey with a relaxing tour of the Coors Brewery Network and reflect on your insights while savoring world-renowned beer.

This is your chance to supercharge your plant’s future. Don’t just imagine a more efficient, proactive plant operation—make it a reality.

Are you ready to seize the future of your plant?

Your transformation begins now.

Embark on a journey that revolutionizes not just your plant’s narrative, but the narrative of the American heavy industry.